Co-funded by
the European Union
European Consumer Centre (ECC) Italy Bolzano office

17.05.2024 - Office Closure Notice Whitsun

The European Consumer Centre Italy - Bolzano office will be closed on Monday, 20th May.

07.03.2024 - I diritti dei consumatori dell’UE al servizio degli ucraini rifugiati

Il Centro Europeo Consumatori Italia con Adiconsum è partner della Campagna “I diritti dei consumatori dell’UE al servizio degli ucraini rifugiati”.

28.11.2023 - Online-Coachings: Vorsicht ist angesagt!

Finanziellen Wohlstand erreichen, ohne zu arbeiten, ein Coach von Profisportler:innen oder ein renommierter Ernährungscoach werden: Das sind nur einige der Versprechen von Coaching-Videos, also Online-Tutorials, in denen angebliche Influencer:innen ihren Followern die Geheimnisse ihres eigenen finanziellen oder persönlichen Erfolgs verraten. Aber stimmt das wirklich?

13.04.2022 - Welcome Ukrainians!

Ein Informationsbereich für ukrainische Flüchtlinge ist nun online.

13.04.2022 - Welcome Ukrainians!

Disponibile una sezione dedicata a informazioni rilevanti per i profughi ucraini.

06.04.2022 - Important Notice for Ukrainian Refugees: Obligation to Declare Cash to Customs

06.04.2022 - Важливе повідомлення для українських біженців: митний обов'язок декларувати готівку

06.04.2022 - Важное уведомление для украинских беженцев: таможенное обязательство декларировать наличные деньги

26.05.2021 - Coronavirus law information

The Italian government introduced specific rules for consumer contracts on occasion of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which had significant consequences on consumer contracts in various sectors. Here you will find answers to the most common questions that the European Consumer Centre Italy is called to answer.

29.06.2017 - Decision of Italian competition authority on no show rules

Fines to British Airways and Etihad Airways

06.12.2016 - Online Shopping: avoid bad surprises under the Christmas tree

Do you want to surprise your family and friends with Christmas presents and not spend too much? Then the Internet can be helpful. The European Consumer Center Italy (ECC) informs you about to what you should pay attention when shopping on the Internet.

24.11.2016 - Traffic fines abroad: Implementation and enforcement in Italy

In March of this year Italy has also implemented the Framework Decision of the Council of the European Union (2005/214 /JI) on the mutual recognition of fines by legislative decree no. 37 of 2016. The European Consumer Center Italy (ECC) provides clarity as to what is actually changing for the people having residence or income in Italy and receiving a traffic fine from abroad.

07.07.2016 - Criptocurrency: risks and dangers behind the corner

Curiosity concerning criptocurrency is dramatically increasing as it represents a fatal attraction for those who want to rapidly multiply their money. However, even in the criptocurrency market, there are offers circulating that prove to be veritable illegal pyramidal systems. The European Consumer Centre Italy tries to give clarity about this topic and invites to be careful concerning the criptocurrency named Onecoin.

23.07.2015 - Souvenirs from Bella Italia? Pay responsibly, pay attention!

“They have succeeded in accumulating a greater mass of objects, but the joy in the world has grown less”, warned Dostoevskij. Such a monition can be addressed to those purchasing merchandise in Italy from pedlars or unauthorized websites: yielding to this temptation, indeed, can lead to criminal penalties and to administrative fines.

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